Exactly what I needed to get ready for High School

This paper is student-driven. All posts and articles are written by TAS students.
Students are required to provide sources for all data point and information included in the articles. Any article without sourcing is labeled as “Opinion.”
The articles are carefully edited for grammar while leaving the overall viewpoint intact. Articles are vetted by TAS staff members.
This is a TAS student run newspaper. However, we do accept submissions from bloggers and enthusiastic children who want to show their viewpoint!
Send us an email at info@taslearning.com to learn more and get involved.
Newspapers may seem like a wave from the past, but in fact they are the perfect way to get kids to articular their thoughts on paper. This helps students get informed, get involved, and stay active!
Looking for the best online art academy? Meet our students, this is their experience of learning with the EduMall Online Art Academy.